Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hardest Spin Yet

Last night Mark had spin class amped up big time, it was a painful experience. There was NO recovery for the whole class. We did time trial pace at lactic threshold for a fairly long song and then about 2 minutes of risers (15 sec up, 15 down for the 2 minutes) and then right back into the fast time trial pace and so on and so on. I would catch myself backing off so I would have to get after it again, my left calf was on the verge of cramping......stupid drinking coffee all day!!! It was good to sweat my tail off again......spin class is kinda like riding a bike, some things you just don't forget (no has to be your bull....). Some of you might not get that reference.

Had a really good turnout last night too, there was even a special presentation at class!!!!

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