I had the pleasure to go ride my bike with Mr. Riekena today, we went out on our mountain bikes and rode some gravel roads. We were joking around quite a bite...I mean bit when we came up on a house where we knew we had seen some dogs before. As we got closer we saw that there were 5 dogs anxiously awaiting our arrival. When we got next to the drive the dogs started coming out one at a time, nothing out of the ordinary as far as dogs running along side of us and growling and barking. The first one was a brown dog and then there were 3 black dogs and one very small dog. The largest black dog had an aggressive growl so I was really watching this one when the brown dog snuck in behind me and bit me on the calf....."What the @#$@" I exclaimed with joy!!! I shot for the other side of the road and quickly accelerated, still a little shocked at what had just happened. We rode clear of the dogs and about 1/2 mile down the road we stopped and checked out my leg, I wanted to go back to see if the dog had it's shots but I really didn't want to get bit again so we rode on.

We finished out our ride and had a really good time. The bite really isn't very bad although it is pretty painful and there seems to be some swelling, I cleaned it up and will keep a very close eye on it. I really wasn't sure how to handle the situation so I called Rolfe McCoy because he has had the same thing happen and I wanted to get his advice. He said it was best to contact the Sheriff Dept and let them handle the incident, he said if there is no proof of shots then the will impound the dog for 10 days to make sure it is not rabid. So I took his advice and went up to the Sheriff's office and made a report, they are going out to check the dog and then we will go from there. I told the Deputy that I am not wanting anything to happen to the dog, I just want to make sure that I am okay.
Molly was a little freaked out at first but now she is just tired of me running in circles yelling "Bacon, Bacon, Bacon, Bacon, Bacon" (Mitch doesn't know it's not bacon). I sent her out to the store for some crackers and she came back with some Milkbones.....they are not too bad!!!
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