I went this afternoon and rode Indian Creek from the campground to the top and back, the trail hits both ends of the spectrum. I decided to ride so I could do a recon on my section, get some warmer weather riding in, and put a few more miles on my legs, it was not a cardio workout because so much of the trail is in such rough shape....in fact it was more of a bike handling session (which was good too). The campground loop was being mowed as I rolled out and was finished when I got back and I have to say it is awesome. Other areas to note are where Doug trimmed from 510 down to the creek crossing, I would classify that as a "race ready" section on any trail. Also where Doug has trimmed from lot 17 to bottom hollow road, some of the open sections have a little growth on them but nothing compared to some of the other sections of trail. I had trimmed my section earlier this year but you can't even tell it, it is a mess right now and those stinging nettles are back and I think they are pissed off and they let me know it.
Of course Doug has been putting in the hours on his section plus, and James and Denny have their section buff....it is PRIME right now!!! I ran into James and asked him if he wanted to race me on dirt. He kind of got that half smile on his face and just looked to the ground. Then with his "CAT I" like reflexes he popped me right in the mouth, and I hate to admit it but it sent me backwards onto the ground. He stood over me chuckling and said "That is pretty much the same result of us racing each other, it just saves me some time". What do you say to something like that???
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