Race start neared and the start of this race was a little unique, it had the typical lemans start but we had to take a part off of our bike and run with it and then once we reached our bike we could put it back together and take off. Soon we were all lined up and it was GO time!!!
I had no intention of running in fact I just did a light jog and was soon in the back of the pack, when I got to my bike I wasn't breathing hard at all but then I couldn't get my front wheel on. I started to panic but realized I needed to open the skewer a little more and it went right on. Starting out in the back of the pack was good because I wasn't caught up with fast riders pushing me to go harder than I should but tough because some of the riders I was behind were a little slower than I wanted to go. I slowly made my way up through the field when I could and finally got into a groove, maybe too fast. I almost backed off a bit but I was riding in second position of a train of about 5 or 6 riders and I would of had to stop and pull off to the side to let people around and I just couldn't do it. I never felt overworked during the first lap in fact it was a lot of fun, I kept the idea of 24 hours in the back of my mind and just tried to settle in to a nice pace.
I finished up the first lap, I pitted long enough to change bottles and say hi to Molly and then I was back out on another lap. Laps 1, 2, and 3 seemed to flow together really well, I was taking a few minutes for a break between laps and then about lap 4 I started to take a little longer for breaks. My back started hurting on lap two, which was a little discouraging, but then I remembered that I had the brain dialed as firm as it would go on my rear shock. I stopped and softened the rear suspension up it made a big difference on my back, the only bad thing is it made my pivots squeak a lot and it drove me nuts the whole time. I tried to shoot some lube into the pivots but I just couldn't get the squeak out of them, that was tough to deal with.
I don't remember exactly which lap it was but toward nightfall I started to get nasueous and let me tell you it is no fun to ride your bike when you feel like you are going to throw up, especially when you still have over 12 hours to ride your bike. The laps all seemed to run together so I don't remember which lap I went out with lights, I didn't use them until a little over half way through the lap, the next night lap I had a 12 hr solo rider come up behind me and he told me he didn't want around, he just wanted to ride my wheel if that was okay and it was fine with me. We talked for about half of the lap and then he backed off and I was all alone again. After that lap I decided it was time to take a longer break and put on some fresh clothes so I went and took a nice hot shower and put on my most comfortable bibs and a long sleeve jersey and it felt so good. I did one more lap and then decided to put on knee warmers, I left the pit with Mitch Johnson but he dropped me about 10 feet into the course. I came staggering in from that lap around 2:45 a.m. and decided I needed to lay down for a little bit. I had Molly set the alarm for about 1 hr and 50 min and we crawled into the van and I was out, when the alarm went off I had so many emotions flying through my head. I was so tired, sore, cold, my mental status was not at a normal level....a 24 hr race is brutal on the body but super brutal on your mind. I knew I needed to get up and ride but I think it was pure fear that kept me in the van, I had Molly set the alarm for 1 more hour and after a few minutes I was back asleep. When the alarm went off again I was not wanting to get out of that van, I was shivering inside the van, my legs and back were stiff, and I new my rear end was NOT going to like being put back on the saddle. I threw on a jacket and slowly took off, for the first 5 minutes I literally shifted every pedal stroke because my butt hurt so bad, I was dreading every climb and coasted wherever possible to save energy...needless to say it was a slow lap but the sun came up during that lap (that was a new experience for me). My next lap was pretty good, not blazing fast but pretty good and I took a good break after it as well, maybe too long. The next lap was my 11th lap and I took off like the start of the race and was feeling great for the first 2/3 of the lap and then I was wiped out again. When I came in Molly and Mitch J. said I could possibly get 4th place if I went back out, I didn't want to go back out but I wanted 4th place. We checked with the scoring tent to see if the current 4th place rider was out on course because he had finished his 11th lap at 4 something that morning but the scoring tent didn't know. We looked in the solo pit are for his bike number and couldn't find it so we didn't know if he was on course, or had left, or was pitted somewhere else in the park. I decided not to go back out because if he was on a lap the chances of my catching him (especially if he hadn't ridden since 4 a.m.) was not good, turns out he was done and I could have gotten 4th place. That is easy to say now since the race is over, I know I could have ridden another lap but it was going to be slow and painful (I had 2 hr and 8 min to complete the lap). I think one thing that made this race so hard (other than it was 24 hrs) was the fact that I felt like throwing up for more than half the race, I almost stopped on the trail and chugged my bottle and then was going to force myself to throw up to see if that would help. I wish I had gotten in more laps but 143 miles was still a great accomplishment and I am so pleased that I did this race. Mitch asked me afterwards if I was going to do another one and I told him I couldn't answer that question yet. One day later here I am and I can say that Yes I will do it again, I thought it would take several days before I would even consider it but it only took a few hours.
Below is a pic of Mitch "The Masher" Johnson, he is one heck of a bike rider and a super nice guy, I have gotten to know him this past year and I really enjoy being around him and the other St. Louis area riders. Mitch placed 3rd with 14 laps. Unfortuanately I don't have a pic of Todd Holtmann, who placed 2nd with 15 laps, but Todd is a lot of fun as well and obviously a great rider too.
Zach Brace finished 1st in the 12 hr solo with an amazing 10 laps. Greg Ott finished 3rd in the 12 hr solo with 9 laps. Todd Hecht finished 10th in the 12 hr solo with 7 laps. If you want to laugh and have a good time then Todd Hecht is the guy to hang out with!!!
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