I was thinking back to last year at Lumberjack, after I had finished the race Mark and I were standing at the end of the trail watching and cheering on riders that were finishing the race. The race was (3) 33 mile laps and as these riders were finishing their 3rd leg we would cheer and then Mark would say "Only one more lap to go", man did that get their attention. While standing there another racer who had finished the race came over and joined us, he was from Wisconsin and we talked about the days efforts. He said he was primarily a road racer but did do some mountain biking and decided to do this race. He had several buddies that are also road racers and they kept contacting him (not sure if it was texts or calls) to see how he did. He had a great race, he finished in 8 hr and 50ish minutes. So when he told his buddies how he did, he said he acted like it was no big deal "I finished in 8 and change!!!". Of course he just started busting up laughing when he told us this and of course we got a huge kick out of it too.
Maybe you had to be there.....maybe you should be there!!!
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