Wow that was a lot of snow yesterday, I am not a big fan of snow anymore but since there is nothing I can do about it I will just deal with it and move on. Now when I was a kid I loved the snow, I grew up in Lowe's Acres and we had a lot of places to play in the snow. My brother and I would work together to make a track, usually I would sit on a flat bottom sled and he would pull me down the hill to pack down the snow and begin a track. We would do this a couple times until the track was packed down really nice. There were a few times that we would get out a hose and spray water onto the track and get a super fast ice covered track. Then usually he would lay down on the sled and I would put my hands on his upper back and take off running/pushing him down the track. Once we got some speed built up I would launch myself into the air and land on his back and off we went down the hill, man that was a lot of fun. One year one of our neighbors, Randy Hapes, made a sled out of bed rails and topped it with a sheet of plywood (it held about 6 of us neighborhood kids). He strapped it to his 4 wheeler and took us flying around the neighborhood, that thing could really fly. I remember one turn in particular that we took too fast and that thing rolled with us tumbling in it's path, we might have gotten a little banged up but it was still a lot of fun. I remember my parents were not too thrilled that we had ridden on that contraption and I couldn't understand why, now that I am a parent I totally see what their concerns were. Plus if anybody knows Randy then they know he can have a bit of a wild streak in him.
Yesterday when I got home from work I parked my truck on the street like I normally do, not even thinking about the snow ordinance. About 6:15 Molly noticed some flashing lights outside our house, it was a police officer cleaning the snow off of my license plate. Molly stepped outside and he asked if it was our truck, then told us we needed to move it due to the ordinance (he was really nice about it though). Molly and I got suited up and started shoveling a place to put the truck and then had to shovel the truck out of the street. It took a little extra effort to get the truck out, a neighbor came out and helped me bounce up and down on the rear bumper and the truck moved sideways out into the street. Finally I was able to get it into the driveway, man that really sucked for a little bit. I was worried that I was going to have it stuck in the middle of the street. Plus the extra time of getting it out got me eerily close to missing something that I did not want to miss out on (this topic will come up later).
Since I didn't ride today (actually today wouldn't have been too bad to ride) I used the art of snow shoveling as my workout. It was mostly a legs and abs workout, not great but I did burn some calories. I kept pealing off layers of clothes because I was sweating quite a bit. By the time I got done my t-shirt was soaked through and so was my underwear (I finally remembered to put some on). It reminded me of what it felt like after wrestling practice (if I didn't have fresh tighty whiteys to put on), I was usually cutting weight and my clothes would be soaked and would get dressed back into my street clothes with wet underwear to wear home (now that is sexy).
After shoveling today Molly, Emma, and Selma played in the snow for awhile. Really it was a pretty relaxing day even though there was a lot of work outside.
Did it snow at your house?
I think we got about an inch!!!
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