Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sometimes Plans Change....Darn it.

I had been limiting my riding this past week to save my legs for today, I planned on getting in some long road miles. My plan was to get up at 5 a.m. and be on the road at 5:45 and start by doing the ride to roads that Coach took me on earlier in the year, this ride was about 65 miles from my house. Then I was going to refill bottles and my gel flask and ride to Jamesport and back, this is a 50 mile ride from my house. Then as long as everything was going well I was going to refill bottles again and ride to Chula and then take K Hwy over to KK Hwy and work my way over to B Hwy and take that into Wheeling and then turn around and ride back, this would be another 60-65 miles. And if I hadn't had enough I was going to try and get the loop in for another 25 miles. I had been so excited for today all week long, in fact I was giving up an opportunity to do a marathon race in St. Joe for the extended saddle time. I had not expected the weather to change like it did at the end of this week. I was watching the weather yesterday and saw the chance of colder temps and wind, normally I would ride in the cold but I have been fighting off a cough for about a week and the last thing I need to do is keep from getting over it. Also riding in the wind for 25-30 miles makes for a great workout but well over 100 miles in wind was not what I was planning on. Maybe I was a wuss, I would like to think I was being smart by not weakening my immune system more. I will say that I was still VERY productive today in regards to biking, not so much fitness but definitely biking. I will fill you in more on that soon, it's still too early to let the cat out of the bag but we are getting closer!!!

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