Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back In The Saddle

After RIM I think my body was in a little bit of shock, I am still eating everything in sight even when I'm not hungry. I went out on the Monday night ride and at first it felt pretty good to be in the saddle but it didn't take long for my sensitive rear to get upset. It was a good ride with a good group to ride with, I did however ride too hard a couple times during the evening. The final 5 miles I rode a steady pace and let the group fire ahead on old 190, I told Mark afterward that it was hard to sit and watch that. I really enjoy it when the riding gets spirited and everyone starts using a little strategy along with some big efforts of pulling and pursing.

Tuesday I opted to rest which was a good idea as my hamstrings were still really tight. Wednesday I went out and rode the loop again but at a pretty slow pace, I didn't realize until I looked at my computer that I was riding "that slow".....but hey, it is what it is. I went back out tonight and rode up Y and then took A over to U and then U South to 190 and back into town on 190 and then rode thru town. I felt pretty good, my left hamstring was still tight so I would stretch it out while rolling a couple times. Even a slight South wind makes the ride on Hwy U tough, I think that is why I really like that I get to hit a couple big hills on 190 on the way back to town. I ended up with 36+ miles and avg 20.1 so I was pleased with that effort since RIM was only 5 days ago.

As I had stated before, I'm in for the 24 solo which is just over 3 weeks away....YIKES!!! I have been working on plans the last couple days, Molly and I are going to leave around Noon on Thursday Sept 9th and drive to Indianapolis and spend the night. I have booked 3 trips now with Priceline and have gotten some really good deals, I got us a room at the Wyndham for only $44. We plan to sleep late and then make the rest of the trip to Versailles State Park, which will only be about another 1 1/2 hr. The race course will be set up Friday afternoon and that is when I will be able to select a pit area. I will go and ride at least some of the course, probably all 13 miles but I will have to see what kind of time I have. It will be a very easy paced ride so that I don't dip into my glycogen stores very far, and then I will spend the rest of the day setting up my pit area and getting our tent for camping ready to go. Then I plan to sit around and hydrate and add a few more calories into my system.

The race will start at Noon EST and this race has a cut off of Noon on Sunday, if you don't finish your last lap by doesn't count. If anyone wants to check on my progress throughout the race I will be giving Molly's cell number on the forum as we get closer so anyone can call or text her. I'm sure she would enjoy the interaction as she will be sitting around waiting for me.

1 comment:

thedawg28 said...

I definetly will be checking in with her....keep us posted!!!!