Monday, August 23, 2010

Feeling Somewhat Lost

I usually have a pretty good plan leading up to a race, I don't always execute the plan the way I would like to but I do lay the groundwork. As with most of us there are always things that get in the way whether it's work, family events, mother nature, actually there is an endless list of things that can get in the way of training. I am less than three weeks away from my 24 solo and I really don't like that I don't have more long rides in right now but that isn't my focus as I near the race. I do get a bit discouraged when I read other blogs and these people are doing several 4-5 hr rides but I just can't get those in very often, I am very grateful when I can but it just isn't very often. That being said I am not very concerned about lack of long rides especially after having a really good race at RIM, I know I was in the worst pain I have ever been in on my bike but there were several factors in that race. I have watched 24 Solo (featuring Chris Eatough) dozens of times and he mentions that he will check over his equipment several times to keep his mind off the hard times to come during the race.

I think I am on the backside of my peak of the best shape I have ever been in but I think I am still very strong right now, as the race approaches I am trying to focus on the mental aspect of the race. Maybe because I have no clue what to do right now as this race is totally foreign to me. I'm still riding as often as possible, they usually only 25 miles or so but I am doing what I can when I can. I plan to sit down Wednesday and write out a pack list for the race, I am list kind of guy (drives some people crazy). I also need to plan out when I need to cut back on my riding leading up to the race, at least cut back on my effort during a ride. I have been on an eating frenzy since RIM, it has backed off a bit but I find myself eating a lot of junk.....tastes pretty good though!!! I plan to load my diet with a lot of brown rice, oatmeal, bananas, and other slow burning carbs probably toward the end of this week all the way up to the race. I still have some decisions to make in regards to my bikes, lighting equipment, and it seems and endless list of other items. I really am getting excited about the race but I have to admit it is a little scary too, I feel better that Mitch Johnson and some of the other St. Louis riders will be there. Not that they can help me it just makes me feel better that I will be suffering with other riders that I know, I just wish they weren't faster than me!!!


Green Hills Trail Association said...

Something in your favor for DINO that work against you at RIM is that you won't have a week of hard labor (trailwork) draining you the week before the race. Mitch the Masher better watch out this time!

Mitch Bernskoetter said...

I hope he takes a long break during the night and I am able to keep moving most of the night, he is a STUD!!!

I hope I eat enough for this race, right now I feel very...fluffy.