Friday, December 11, 2009

Meat And Potatoes

This post has nothing to do about cycling, other than the fact that I get so pissed off at myself for eating a bunch of food and not getting as many workouts as I would like. When I am in a routine.....a good routine I do very well, I am focused and my habits and performance echo each other. I know it is a mindset, I just have to continue to treat my body like it's summer time and get after burning calories. I know for me it is hard to maintain a routine when my schedule changes day to day, I may work at 3 am. one day and 4 a.m. the next and then 6 a.m. the next. It sure makes it hard on your system when I am eating at all different times of the day and my body is wore out early in the day on an early shift, especially when the kids don't get to bed until a certain time. It isn't always tough but some days it is pretty rough.

Okay I think I'll go kick the shit out of myself for eating to much......again.

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