Saturday, February 27, 2010


I finally got a good ride in today, it wasn't blazin' fast but it was a really good ride. I was a tad underdressed but wasn't frozen at the end, I just had some cold feet. I looked and the temp was 28 but it seemed warmer out.....I think I was wrong. There was a decent wind coming out of the WNW and it was slowing me down quite a bit not to mention that the air was colder since it was blowing across all the snow. I was hauling tail on the way home, the tailwind felt great and I needed it to bring up my avg. I ended up with a 19 avg for the ride which I was pleased with for today. It has been a while since my legs felt like this, I miss the feeling from a good workout. I think I will be feeling a lot next weekend!!!

I tried the new Montana Huckleberry Hammer Gel today and it was awesome, it might be my new favorite flavor. I will need to try it after it has been in my jersey on a hot ride to see if it tastes different warm but as far as eating it cold the flavor was great. I used the new Chocolate flavor Recoverite today also and it was pretty good too, I think I still like the Strawberry Recoverite best though.

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