Monday, March 28, 2011


I went out and did a road ride tonight with James and I have to say that it was pretty painful, the bad part about it is that the speed wasn't very fast. I did get out and ride yesterday, it wasn't overly windy but it was consistent out of the East and while riding that direction I was feeling the burn. I rode to Chula and then headed East on K and KK over to BB and the South on B into Wheeling. Then I rode Hwy 36 home and that was nice because I had a very good tailwind. I was feeling the burn a little last night but it wasn't bad because I really didn't ride very fast on that ride either.

I was going to meet up with James at the YMCA and on my ride through town over to the Y I could tell that my legs were tired. Too often I don't eat during the day and today was no exception and that wasn't helping anything. I was a bit concerned at first but then I thought once I get going and get warmed up I will be fine. I must not have got warmed up because it was lactic acid city tonight. I knew riding with James was going to be a workout so I packed a lunch....and he ate it!!! He literally took my chain off my bike and beat me with it, he didn't have to smile the whole time but I guess he is just a happy guy.


thedawg28 said...

I ended up going and building trails. When are we going to start our official monday night rides?

Mitch Bernskoetter said...

I'm not sure when it's official, as far as I'm concerned it can be next week.