Friday, March 11, 2011

Easily Impressed

Well today we had to run to Independence to do some stuff and since the kids were out of school we took them with us. It seems that my kids are trained to have to go to the bathroom at Cameron and today was no exception. I went into the stall with Jonas and before he even went to the bathroom asked if he could flush the toilet yet. He finished up and then asked me if I needed to go potty, I told him I was going to go too. As he is pulling his pants up I hear the bathroom door open and close and notice the feet of another gentlemen in the stall next to us, then I step up to do my business. Jonas is watching me the whole time and then says "You have a BIG penis". I can only imagine the look on the other guys face, I didn't what to say so I didn't say anything. I did however wait for the guy to leave before we stepped out. I guess it doesn't take a lot to impress a 3 yr old.

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